
Hado Counseling

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Hado Counseling

The Hado (vibrational) counseling we provide is a type of healing method.

For Hado measurement, we use a manual Hado measuring device called KTS-PRO (Kazutama Therapy System-Professional). This is a device that Mr. Yoshinouchi developed by improving the MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analyzer), the first measuring instrument first introduced to Japan by Dr. Masaru Emoto, and adding wave codes obtained through his own research.

The information that can be measured and picked up with KTS-PRO includes body part waves, toxin waves, negative emotional waves, family lineage waves, etc.

This vibrational information is invisible energy information. Disturbances in the energy balance manifest those in the physical balance, which spreads into subjective symptoms.

There are various methods called healing in the world, but most of them have the main purpose of adjusting the balance of energy.

Unlike those types of healing, KTS-PRO counseling uses a Hado measuring device to accurately pick up the client’s energy information.

We then provide counseling based on the information we have gathered. Clients can gain new awareness by learning about the negative emotional vibrations that have been hidden deep in their subconscious. And by gaining awareness, the effectiveness of healing will also increase.

We can also imprint the Hado information into water to correct the disturbances, directly and also remotely. The water is called Hado water. By drinking the water every day, you can get the same effect as receiving daily healing. A single measurement can produce approximately 60 days’ worth of Hado water, so there is no need to repeat mearuring and imprinting many times.

A change in consciousness begins to occur due to the synergistic effect of counseling and healing.
You will also find that you can solve problems by changing your mindset, even if you thought they were mental habits that you couldn’t change.

If you have worries or problems that you cannot resolve on your own, please try our Hado counseling.
We look forward to receiving your applications.


Counseling and healing will be performed in the following steps.

1)Identify the problem

First, if you are suffering from some kind of symptom and can receive treatment to improve that symptom, you need to identify that symptom. For example, even if you have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, you may actually have dermatitis caused by allergies. If your condition is represented by a KTS-PRO code, we will identify which symptom code is closest. For those who do not have any particular symptoms or those with indeterminate complaints, we measure the basic parts of the body to understand the overall vibrational state. In particular, we will check the vibrations in the areas called the five internal organs (Traditional Chinese Medicine). By checking that part, we can get a rough idea of ​​the client’s condition, and we can predict the disturbance in the vibration that will spread from there.

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KTS-PRO is a device that measures and corrects subtle energy within living organisms. This subtle energy is formed with a magnetic field. By causing changes in this subtle energy, we can balance your mind and body and contribute to your health. This magnetic field or subtle energy is regarded as a “wave” or “vibration,” and KTS-PRO is a device that can measure and correct them.

The connection between consciousness and body (from left) consciousness, mind, emotion, toxin, body


2)Measure the vibrations of basic body parts

After checking the vibrations of the basic parts of the body, we next check the spinal vibrations. Spinal waves are carefully checked from the top of the head to the coccyx, including the skull and jawbone. In particular, disturbance reactions are often hidden in the waves of the sacrum and coccyx, so we carefully check them over and over again to pick out hidden information.

3)Detailed measurement of brain vibrations

After checking the spinal waves, we will take a closer look at the brain vibrations. The brain plays the role of a control tower in maintaining the health of the body, so it is a very important part of the body. Here too, the disturbed information is often hidden, and in particular, the parts of the brainstem, such as the pontine brain, midbrain, third ventricle, and pineal gland, are in important positions in the brain, and they seem to be linked to the information of the subconscious mind.

4)Measure related vibrations

Items we check will vary slightly depending on your condition, but we will check blood, nerves, musculoskeletal, hormones, vitamins, etc. as necessary.

5)Measure toxin vibrations

We will then look at the toxin vibrations that are affecting these body parts. The toxins mentioned here are: A. Minerals that have become harmful to the body, B. Heavy metals (even if they are not actually in the body, there is Hado information), C. Various electromagnetic waves (which refers to things emitted by electrical appliances and things included in sunlight).

For example, the calcium contained in mineral water is hardly utilized by the body and can be deposited in the body, causing arthritis and stones. Also, it seems that there are cases where lead is used in water pipes, but in that case, the tap water remembers the vibrations of lead, so if you drink it as it is, the vibration information of lead will enter your body. The lead vibrations seem to have a negative effect on the cranial nerves. We check whether various electromagnetic waves are affected by ultrashort wave radiation emitted by mobile phones and computers, as well as infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, and radiation contained in sunlight.

6)Measure emotional waves

Then, we measure the most important emotional vibrations. We will confirm what kind of emotional vibrations exist as the root cause. These emotional vibrations are also divided into various layers. The emotions that the client creates while taking the measurement seem to have little to do with the symptoms.

So, when do your emotions become the cause of your symptoms? Possible cases are as shown below.
A. Emotions that you felt strongly in the past or continued to have for a long time.
B. Influence from your parents up to the age of three (inner child).
C. Negative feelings you experienced while in your mother’s womb (birth trauma).
D. Emotions carried over from previous lives (karma).
E. Emotions genetically inherited from ancestors.
The above emotions are thought to be the cause.

Based on my experience of conducting measurements up until now, I believe that most people have a feeling of “fear” in the deepest part of their subconscious, and other feelings are created from there. Through measurement, we can find out to some extent where the emotions that appear during measurement are coming from.

7)Pick up the “correction code” and imprint it to special Hado water

The “correction code,” which is the information necessary to correct these vibrational disturbances to the original undisturbed vibrations, is extracted through measurement and imprinted to water. The Hado water created in this way becomes your personal water. By drinking this Hado water every day, you can modify your vibrations from a subconscious level.

お問い合わせはこちら TEL 03-5912-6541 受付時間 10:00~18:00 [ 日・祝日除く ]

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