
Remote Measurement/Remote Imprint

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Remote Measurement

Even if a client does not come to the salon/clinic, we can measure their vibrations using a photograph of them.

So why is it possible to measure using a photograph?

Operators using manual measuring devices such as KTS-PRO usually pick up vibration information by listening to changes in the sound coming from the device’s speaker. Normally, the measurement is performed by having the client place their hand on a hand plate, but for those who live in remote areas or in an emergency where the client cannot come in person, the measurement can be performed using a photograph of the customer.

The operators of manual measuring devices know from experience that they can take measurements using photographs. This is because when a measurement is taken with a photograph placed on the hand plate, the sound coming out of the device changes in the same way as when the person places their hand on the plate. This allows them to determine where the vibrational disturbances are, and when they get the client drink the vibrational water (Hado water) made in this way, they have seen their problems completely resolved.


Even if the operator is in Tokyo and the client is in Brazil, the operator’s consciousness can pick up vibration information across space.

The changes in sound coming out of a manual measuring device cannot be heard by listening only with your physical hearing.

Hearing of the physical body can only hear sounds in the frequency range of 20Hz to 20,000Hz. Sounds with frequencies higher than this must be sensed using our energy body (consciousness body). Changes in sound, resonant and non-resonant sounds, that occur during vibration measurement are changes that occur in the frequency range of sound sensed by the energy body.

Incidentally, in Theosophy, human consciousness bodies are given names according to frequency, and vibration information can be examined by sensing changes in sound using the hearing of these energies.

●Etheric body
●Astral body
●Mental body
●Causal body

In other words, when we measure vibrations, the difference between resonance and non-resonance is not a change in information in the third dimension, but a change in the fourth or fifth dimension, which is the world of our consciousness. And in such dimensions, we can transcend the constraints of spatial distance in the third dimension.

If you can understand the difference in constraints between different dimensions, it is easy to understand why a photo can be used to measure vibrations.

The operator places the client’s photo on a hand plate and performs the measurement, but at that time, he or she always checks the photo and recognizes who is being measured. By recognizing this, the operator’s awareness is connected to the client’s awareness.

For example, it is similar to entering the phone number of someone you want to contact on your cell phone and pressing the call button. By recognizing the face and name of the person and being aware that we are about to perform a vibrational measurement of this person, we can access their consciousness.

In the world of consciousness, we can transcend the distance of three-dimensional space, so we can access the consciousness of someone on the other side of the world. Then, when we start the measurement, we can pick up current information directly from the client at that time. In other words, the photo plays the role of a window and a cell phone number to decide who to access.

Remote Imprint

For these reasons, if you place a photo on the “Kazutama System,” you can perform distance healing on that person.
Similarly, by imprinting the vibrational information to a photo of water in a container on the “Kazutama System,” we can turn that water into vibrational water (Hado water).
We have confirmed that vibrational water created remotely has the same effect as water imprinted directly.


Booking & Inquiry

Please contact us by email here:
Counseling fee
◆ Measurement data & Shipping Hado water (300mL, about 2 months worth): 36,000 JPY
◆Measurement data & Imprinting vibrations remotely to water you have prepared yourself (about 30 liters of bottled water): 31,000 JPY

お問い合わせはこちら TEL 03-5912-6541 受付時間 10:00~18:00 [ 日・祝日除く ]

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